The Home of The Sagittarius
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Sagittarius Compatibility
When it comes to the Sagittarius personality, his/her friendliness may earn a reputation of being overly flirtatious. In fact he/she is generally known as one big flirt, but despite the hankering for a platonic partner with which to roam around and have as much fun as possible, the Sagittarius does also have a more serious side. So, just what is in store on the Sagittarius compatibility horizon and who is this mischievous man or woman most likely to settle down with?
Sagittarius and Aries compatibility Both active and spontaneous types that love to socialize and enjoy the finer things of life makes these two a good match as Aries fun loving but strong nature will nullify any temper tantrums. This is certainly successful and recommended union that will last so long as they make good in the bedroom which will spill over into all other areas!
Sagittarius and Taurus compatibility Two very different personalities with sex being the only real chemistry between these two means they are not destined for a successful union at all!
Sagittarius and Gemini compatibility Opposites in this case definitely attract, but Gemini will criticize Sagittarius in bed, although in all other areas both signs are easy going and undemanding with each other. A union with these two is likely to fizzle as quickly as it starts, but if not there will be lots of effort needed from both of them! Worth the effort? Maybe!
Sagittarius and Cancer compatibility The wanderer meets the home maker. Cancer lives for the future while Sagittarius only for today. Cancer will be jealous of this sign's free spirit, while Sagittarius is likely to be bored by Cancer's dependency. Sexually, Sagittarius is very active, and as a rule Cancer is easily satisfied. Again, this is not a great union.
Sagittarius and Leo compatibility A perfect or ideal match! Both share a love of freedom and adventure, are very outgoing, social and thoroughly enjoy sex. Sagittarius excites and motivates Leo who in turn encourages faithfulness in the flirtatious Sagittarius. A successful marriage is on the cards!
Sagittarius and Virgo compatibility Perhaps these two could manage a week together, but no longer! These two simply don't understand each other and will drive one another crazy! Virgo needs long term while Sagittarius must to be free to roam. Sexually, they are also poles apart with totally different appetites which mean that Sagittarius will feel the need to roam which will be the cause of lots of fights to say the least! Not a good one!
Sagittarius and Libra compatibility Both will be fond of adventure and appeal to each other's intellect and intrigue will attract these two. Sagittarius however likes to roam where Libra prefers stability as well as staying put! If they can overcome this one main issue, a short-term or long-term union is indeed possible.
Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility Jealous, dominant, secretive and home lover describes Scorpio although Sagittarius will have a suitcase ready because Scorpio's intensity is too difficult to bare! Strong sexual attraction as in a one night's passionate love affair is a definite maybe, but marriage? Definitely NOT!
Sagittarius and Sagittarius compatibility Highly unpredictable although remarkable! They may not last but will have an amazing sex life but cannot possibly last long-term as the worst possible traits in each other will be maximized! They will however remain very good friends.
Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility Capricorn is cautious and conservative, whereas Sagittarius is carefree and forever roaming which will cause plenty of frustration. Sexually, it's just so-so! Chances are this will be n unsuccessful union or marriage.
Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility Good combination with an especially innovative sex life as well as intellectually stimulating to one another. They are unpredictable, active, and cheerful, as well as adore being the center of everyone's attention. A flourishing relationship is likely because they can both allow each other the space for freedom that they both require from time to time.
Sagittarius and Pisces compatibility It's all passion and fireworks in the bedroom but that's where it ends! Pisces is too sensitive and emotional for the energetic, optimistic roving Sagittarius. A relationship between these two is almost impossible unless there is a cusp or other placements within the chart making them more compatible. If not, stay away from each other romantically!