Worst Investment Fields for Sagittarians in 2014
The year 2014 is a year of financial stability for the Sagittarians. This year, the Sags need to do two things when it comes to money and investment: one, to watch the money they have accumulated and avoid investing in options of less experience and no support and second, to avoid the options that don’t promise much from horoscope point of view. Despite the year 2014 being a year of stability, there are very sleek options promising the good maintenance of money. Rather, a lot of investment options might go heavy on a Sagittarian’s pocket.
If anyone is stuck into concerns related to finances, it is advisable to take a support from some other experienced person without wasting time, as you might be falling into a chain of discomfort. If you prevent yourself from making one wrong decision after the other, the losses might help you gain some experience useful in future and add up confidence in you.
Now, after having seen the generic scenario of how finances and Sags are going to do mutually, let us take a look at a few options we find worst for a Sagittarian in the year 2014, from the investment standpoint.
Worst investment options
Internet stocks are the first ones to start with. This area is seen sinking in this year 2014, and Sagittarians would not be able to escape it. This is one of the most dangerous areas to put your money into, especially this year. There might be people who would try to influence you for investing in this field, but you need to know that it might be benefitting them a lot, but it’s not going to do the same for you.
Entering into new business ventures is another area you should avoid this year. Even if you had been planning perfectly, working hard to arrange for finances, and have a perfect setup in place, the time isn’t favorable for you in 2014, and it is going to get you most likely into dark corners. Initially, things may look good to the Sagittarians, but they won’t stay good for long this year. Wait for the year 2015 to re-look at the business entry.
While you plan for any investment, stop yourself from trusting people easily this year. You might see some new projects and opportunities coming to you, but decide on yourself by looking at the pros and cons, and not by blindly listening to people around you.
One area to be careful with is your good performance-results at your workplace. If you are into a job, the year 2014 would get you increments or bonuses due to your hard work. Try to invest this extra money carefully, or save it. You might see some tempting options of spending the extra amount, but try to save yourself from that.