Does Sagittarian like being seduced

Sagittarians are easily the most attractive personalities. Born under the zodiac sign emphasizing half man and half centaurs, and archers, it is important to aim right when it comes to seducing people of this sun sign. The Sagittarian man is flirtatious and fickle while the Sagittarian woman is free willed and fun loving. Both the Sagittarian man and woman are viscously protective of their freedom and are capable of becoming bored rather easily. They are commitment phobic but once they are certain that the relationship will not in any way cause them to lose their freedom, they are very romantic and dependable. Both the Sagittarian man and woman like to be approached, as well as like the chase in getting together with the person they like.

If there is a Sagittarian man or woman you like, well, you need to strategize. The objective is to keep them interested and entertained. Keep them guessing and you have them. Sagittarians like to be pampered and appreciate the effort gone into planning things around them. You need to not necessarily go all out always. They know how to appreciate the little joys as well. They are adventurous and like a good adrenalin rush, so you could plan a first date around a camping trip. Let them sweat it out and enjoy their company while they do. Be ready for last minute travel plans, impromptu packing and leaving for vacations. Spontaneity keeps these fire signs going.

Sagittarian women do like a quiet date, but they disapprove of flashy and public display of affection. If a Sagittarian woman had caught your attention, first you must catch her attention. Wait out until she is alone and you can approach her. They are intellectuals and like a nice conversation. They can talk about anything under the sun and have an opinion about everything. Instead of laying all your cards out on the table in the first meeting, be mysterious. Intrigue her. Everybody likes a little game. While taking her out to dinner, do not always insist on paying. Split the check. She likes being able to pay for herself; it ensures she still has her liberties in place. You do not want her to think otherwise. It is perfectly fine to be chivalrous, but with Sagittarians, one has to strike a balance.

Albeit Sagittarians think many more times about committing to another person, but once you receive their commitment, they do not stray. They do not cheat. They can be radically honest with their opinions and their actions; and it sets them apart. A Sagittarian likes being seduced, in the most sensuous and thoughtful way, unlike most other zodiac signs. Of course, being with them may seem quiet an effort, but they are worth every effort you make. They are fun and cheerful and the life of the party. They are smart, honest and caring. The objective, around a Sagittarian, is always to make the relationship stick. They need seduction on a daily basis in that sense.

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Sagittarius - The Archer (Nov 22 - Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. In western astrology, the sign is now no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and one of the four mutable signs. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius has been associated with the astrological ninth house.

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