History of Astrology
The history of Astrology is one of great interest to many of its modern followers. Many people believe its origins actually began with the ancient Babylonians and their system of celestial omens during the middle part of the second millennium BC. From there this system began to spread either directly or indirectly from the Babylonians and Assyrians on to other regions such as the Middle East and Greece where it began to merge with other forms of astrology that were already in existence in those regions. This means Babylonian astrology actually migrated to Greece during the middle of the 4th century BC and then again around the late 2nd or early 1st century BC.
After the Alexandrian conquests, Babylonian astrology became mixed with Egyptian decanic astrology where they were used to create horoscopic astrology. Horoscopic astrology appears to have begun in Alexandrian Egypt and then spread from there into Europe, the Middle East and India. Throughout its travels around the world it achieved different degrees of influence.
The noted differences between astronomy and astrology varied from place to place, but the differences were usually linked in ancient India, ancient Babylon and medieval Europe although there was some extent of separation in the Hellenistic world. Isidore of Seville is credited with giving the first semantic distinction between astrology and astronomy.
Astrology underwent an enormous amount of criticism prior to modern times and faced many challenges from Hellenistic skeptics, church authorities and medieval Muslim astronomers. Their reasons for questioning the validity of astrology had both scientific and religious arguments. There were many prominent thinkers, philosophers and scientists who either practiced astrology or made significant contributions.
During the middle of the 20th century several people in the field began pioneering the use of midpoints in horoscopic analysis. From the 1930s and into the 1980s several astrologers began developing systems to use astrology for psychological analysis. In the 1930s Don Neroman developed a type of locational astrology that was called strogeography. In the 1970s another astrologer by the name of Jim Lewis developed an approached that was marketed under the name of astrocartography. Both of these methods relied on identifying differing life conditions based on differences in the location. Hindu astrology uses a different zodiac that we commonly see in Western astrology and is actually a branch of Vedic science.The belief in astrology is widespread in many parts of the world today where 31 percent of Americans believe in astrology while another 39 percent think it is scientific in nature. Astrology has had a substantial influence on both language and literature. For instance, the word influenza was used because doctors believed that the flu epidemics were caused influences from the planets and solar systems. Many other words were also based on various meanings that related to influences of the moon, stars and other planets.
In the literary world many writers have used astrological symbolism to add to the descriptions of the motivations of the characters. For instance, some believe that C. S. Lewis based his Chronicles of Narnia on different characteristics and symbols of the seven heavens. Sometimes a person must have an understanding of astrological symbolism in order to full appreciate some of the influences it has in literature. Many contemporary scientists consider astrology as unscientific in nature while others call it a pseudoscience. Those who believe in astrology are often characterized as believing in its validity in spite of the lack of scientific basis for those beliefs and strong evidence that supports its lack of a solid scientific basis. One astronomer refused to sign this statement not because he believed astrology was valid but because he was uncomfortable with its tone of the statement rather than its content.
Still others believed the theory of astrology lost it credibility over 600 years ago when modern science came into the picture. The feeling is that in order to teach science you must be willing to contribute to the basic knowledge of an already solid basis and that education should teach students how to think the knowledge of which includes knowing how the laws of nature contribute to things in the world around us. Astrology has not been considered a science for many years, but since the early part of the 20th century it has been the topic of a substantial amount of research.
While many people today equate astrology strictly to the horoscopes they read in the newspaper, it really goes far beyond that. They don’t often delve into the personality profiles to see what their signs say about them—what is more common is for people to read their astrological personality profiles and try to determine how much of it really pertains to them, how much is actually valid in their eyes. In addition they read horoscopes after the fact in order to ascertain how close it came to predicting what would happen on a given day. Certainly this is not the case with everyone by any means, but many people fear not being able to believe because they are uncertain about the validity of astrology. The key element is whether there is validity in astrology—how much of what we read is really based on credible evidence. If you look around you will discover there are many factors that play into the personality profile of each person, and those factors relate to more than just the general information one will find when they attempt to validate their own personal astrological profiles. The general profiles are just not enough to really ascertain whether a specific personality profile pertains to a particular person because there are underlying factors to consider.
While you can consider different things such as whether all Sagittarians are restless, there are other factors that one must consider such as the year the person was born, their exact date of birth and the role the moon, stars and constellations play at the time that person was born. These are all important factors and part of why many people fail to see either the validity or significance of astrology and its role throughout the centuries.
What is Astrology? Astrology is quite simply, the “science of the stars”. If you break down the word “astrology” you will soon see it’s derived from its greek origin.(Astron which means Star) and (logia which means study of) A practitioner of astrology is considered an astrologer. Many astrologers believe that the movements and positions of celestial bodies can directly influence life on Earth and then correspond to events experienced on a human scale. Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years and many over the years have seen a strong validity for it.
Astrology Signs
Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th) The Aquarias is often the social butterfly, they love to travel,exotic cuisine, partying and meeting new people. On the other hand, their very stubborn nature can keep them on task almost to an annoying point. They can also be very restless, tactful and rude.
Pisces (February 19th – March 20th) Pisces are often known as shy but extremely romantic. They are the most generous and friendly astrological sign, being extremely compassionate and reliable they are often a delight to be around. The downside of the Pisces has to be the extreme over sensitiveness.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th) Aries are very energetic and naturally curious people. They rarely have hidden agendas and are known as one of the wealthier signs. The aries has an over
abundance of confidence and natural skill. The other hand the aries can be needy and have a temper, they often make up for these weaknesses with their incredible romantic side.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The Taurus is a very trustful, reliable and strong person. The Taurus is always focused and ‘on track’ whether it’s life, work or relationships. The Taurus is often considered one of the more frugal signs, being extremely tight with money and somewhat scared of change. The Taurus is not the most spontaneous sign but will make up for it in consistency.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Gemini’s are often characterized as being charismatic and strong individuals, known as the most friendly of all signs, the gemini is always willing to lend an ear
and help someone down on their luck. Unfortunately when you’re down on your luck, the gemini is often the first to say “I told you so” as they are the sign to be referred to as “know it alls”
Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)The Cancer is often known as a homebody, sensitive and often crabby, the cancer can bring a lot to the table. Cancers are often very generous and are considered to have a great sense of humor. Be careful if you poke fun at a cancer, even the slightest poor remark can hurt them to their core. They are extremely emotional and sensitive.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd) Leo is known as the kind and warm sign. They are often considered happy and outgoing at all times. They are known as being very caring but have long memories, so expect to pay them back! The leo sometimes has issues with being bossy and the occasional ego problem.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)The virgo is the down to earth sign, often task oriented and very intelligent. They are known as being very dependable, helpful and extremely organized. Do not try criticizing a virgo as they do not take take criticism well. The Virgo is often energetic and detail oriented and extremely hard to catch.
Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd) The Libra is often sympathetic and affectionate, they can easily make people around them feel at ease. They always are willing to listen for a friend, family member or even acquaintance. Ofcourse like all signs, they have a less positive side, with strong jealously issues and the need to be the center of attention, this dynamic makes them an extremely interesting character [Libra Blog] [Libra Compatibility]
Scorpio (Oct 23rd – November 21) Scorpios are intense and complex people with a strong mix of determination and passion thrown in for good measure. Scorpios are extremely caring and romantic however, scorpios can be extremely private people making relationships difficult with them.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st) The Sagittarius is one of the most positive signs, they constantly have a great attitude and a large heart. On the other hand, they can become easily bored as their imagination wanders and their poor ability to “bite their lip” often gets them in trouble. [Sagittarius Blog] [Sagittarius Compatibility]
Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th) Capricorns are often known for being calm and collected. They are always self confident and excellent in many different situations, you will see capricorns as being the voice of reason often. With this self confidence comes on taking too much work, capricorns are huge workaholics and can sometimes be considered less than spontaneous.
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