

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Aries. Modern western astrology has shifted this alignment due to the precession of the equinoxes. Aries is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is a fire sign and one of the four cardinal signs, representing action and initiative. Aries is ruled by Mars, known for its dynamic and bold energy. As the first sign, Aries is linked with the first astrological house, symbolizing self-identity, beginnings, and individual expression.


Daily Horoscope

{ "id": 44025, "date": "2025-02-07", "content": "The urge to escape tedious tasks could increase and instead of facing and tackling them, you might hide behind them. Although your attempt to focus on what does inspire you may be understandable, these mundane tasks will succeed in gaining your attention at some point. With a bit of imagination, you could discover a way to be more efficient. Seeing what's tedious as a challenge you're determined to rise to and conquer is the first step. ", "sign_id": 1, "category_id": 1 }


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