

How to meet a Libra Man

So the stars have convinced you that a happy and romantic future is possible if you’re with a Libra lover; because Libran’s are beautiful, caring, very sexual people (among other things). And now you’ve prepped up for the meeting; found out what a Libran want, how to catch their attention and what type of food […]

Capricorn and Relationships

The introverted Capricorn is often times misinterpreted. Yes they are practical, grounded and leaning on logic which they owe to being Cardinal Earth signs but looking closely, the sea goat has a fish tail. This is often times associated with feelings and emotions which, however indifferent they seem, the Capricorns doesn’t lack. As parents, Capricorns […]

What is Numerology?

As Numerology states, numbers and symbols play a big part in a person’s life. Each number has a unique power that can express its connection with the universe. There are a lot of things that can be figured out through numerology but it seem the most sought after is the birthday numerology. There are three […]

Sex with a Libra Woman

So your dating a libra woman? Well this is a resource you will want to print out and keep hidden in your little black book. First and foremost you must understand what makes a libra woman tick, and surprisingly that is attention to detail. In a perfect world she would enter the bedroom, in perfect […]

Make your Relationship Compatible With A libra

First off, what signs are least compatible with a Libra? If you’re a Virgo, a Capricorn, an Aries, or a Cancer, you might find entering into a relationship with a Libra a bit challenging. If you’re a Pisces or a Taurus, you have a 50-50 chance of making it. The best signs to match with […]

Astrology Compatibility Chart

Here we have all signs broken down into 3 parts based on compatibility. We Break it down based on who your compatible with, who your not compatible with and your complete opposite sign. Your Sign Compatible With Not Compatible With: Opposite Sign Aries Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini Capricorn, Cancer Libra Aquarius Gemini, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius […]

How to Seduce a Libra Man

How to Seduce a Libra Man Got your eye on a certain Libra guy? Get out the beauty tools…you’ll need them! While it may sound superficial, Libra dudes automatically seek out aesthetically-pleasing girls. You don’t necessarily have to be born with classic good looks or have the bone structure of a supermodel. Merely being well-groomed, […]

5 ways to attract a libra woman

Five Ways to Attract a Libra Woman Female Librans are sensitive creatures. Trying to attract one requires utmost precaution with words, gestures, and looks. But they’re also highly appreciative and grateful, so you’re sure to be rewarded for your efforts when you do pursue a Libran girl.Here are five tried-and-tested ways to attract the Libra […]

5 ways to attract a libra man

A Libra man can be often seen in the middle of an adoring crowd. That’s not surprising because they can be the most charming people you’ll ever meet. That and they are usually a good looking bunch. Why not, when they are ruled by the planet Venus; the planet associated with the goddess of love […]

How to Seduce a Libra Woman

I guess now you’ve finally decided to take flirting with the Libra woman to a higher level. Well then, we should go straight to the point and send you on your merry way. Simply put, you need to know what makes a Libra woman, a Libra woman. So you have to have answers to these […]

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